Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Goodbye Summer...

A great bookcase can make anyplace feel like home.

This is our tiny little bookcase in our New York apartment. Although it's small in size, we are still able to showcase our favorite books and collector items.


  1. I know that lamp! It used to be in your old room. I love bookcases and I wish that they were built in newer homes. It seems like the older homes always have such neat built ins. You are lucky to have one, even if it is tiny, it is so charming.

  2. Thanks Kate!...We really love it. You should keep a bookcase in mind when you start building your new home :) I think everything is so digital now that bookcases aren't really a necessity anymore.It is so unfortunate!!

  3. Hi Brooke,

    Your apartment looks absolutely beautiful, so tasteful ;) p.s.I love the blog!
